Rose is the stone love; love for oneself, one's life partner, children, family, friends, the Earth, the Divine and the Universe. Its healing properties brings loving energy around the wearer and activates the heart chakra. It heals the heart of it wounds and reawakening trust while releasing resentment, anger and stress. Rose is excellent stone to heal past emotional trauma.
Clear Quartz is the stone of light. It known to bring heighten spiritual awareness to the wearer. It is a stone use for many metaphysical properties such as healing, communication with guides, past-life recall, attracting and sending love and enhancement of meditation and dreaming. Clear Quartz can be used to amplify the energies of other stones. This stone is the most common and versatile that it encourages clarity on all levels.
Jade is the stone of heart healing, and a stone for healing the heart. These stones are good stones to wear during sleep, both for their harmonious and nourishing vibrations and for their beneficial effect upon one’s dream life. Jade can be used to attract abundance and prosperity and loving-kindness to all those in one’s surroundings.
Tiger's Eye the "all knowing" stone, is a stone of good luck and courage. It helps bring creativity as well as confidence in one's talents. It can also be used from protection from bad luck or evil eye. It helps increase clarity when planning for any task at hand.